Here is the viral video (over 14 million views as of March 2019 ) of Cathy Newman interviewing Jordan Peterson on UK Channel 4: Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism (29:00) Here are clips of Peterson reflecting on the interview: Jordan Peterson on the infamous ‘GOTCHA’ moment and animus possession (05:44)… Continue reading Jordan Peterson Interview by Cathy Newman (January 2018)
Drawing Elephants and Ideology – The AGW Phenomena
One of the earliest memories of my first year in grad school at Princeton was a comment a speaker made about computer modeling: “With enough adjustable parameters, you can draw an elephant.” I guess my view of the AGW phenomena is informed by that image. I’m thinking that there are three possible explanations for the… Continue reading Drawing Elephants and Ideology – The AGW Phenomena
Jordan Peterson on neo-Marxism, Postmodernism and Free Speech – Early 2017
Given in the following are links to a series of events during early 2017 featuring University of Toronto Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson. Dr. Peterson achieved international notoriety during the Fall of 2016, when he publicly stated his refusal to use desired pronouns for non-cis transgender people. A large controversy erupted, ultimately focusing on neo-Marxism, postmodernism,… Continue reading Jordan Peterson on neo-Marxism, Postmodernism and Free Speech – Early 2017
Free Speech in Canada and the Survival of the West
Freedom of speech has become controversial in Canada in recent months, and in the ongoing furor, some important issues have been raised that are foundational to the survival of the West. At the center of much of this turmoil is University of Toronto Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson. In late September he posted a several videos… Continue reading Free Speech in Canada and the Survival of the West
Sourcing Evangelical Progressivism — Part 2 — Racial Issues
This is the second essay in a series dealing with the ideological source of contemporary progressivism, and the implications for evangelicals. In Part 1, the correlation was examined between political correctness and Cultural Marxism, and some source documentation was reviewed. For example, here’s an additional comment from Cultural Marxist co-founder Antonio Gramsci: “…he needed to… Continue reading Sourcing Evangelical Progressivism — Part 2 — Racial Issues
Sourcing Evangelical Progressivism
Cultural and political ideologies have historical records which can be traced back to origins. For evangelical Christians, the origins as well as contemporary manifestations of these ideologies can be examined relative to adherence to or divergence from the Biblical record. The term “progressive” refers to the current operating ideology of the Democrat party. Following WWII,… Continue reading Sourcing Evangelical Progressivism
Annotation of Chapter 1 of Shelby Steele’s — “Shame”
Note: Items in black bold and black bold underscore are Steele’s words, emphasized by me. All items in italics are my comments. Steele used neither bold black nor bold black underscore, except the “Chapter 1: The Great Divide” immediately below. Excerpted with permission from Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country, by Shelby Steele. … Continue reading Annotation of Chapter 1 of Shelby Steele’s — “Shame”
“Black Lives Matter” is Quintessential Alinsky/Marxism
Subsequent to the release of the St. Louis County grand jury report the Monday before Thanksgiving 2014 which exonerated officer Darren Wilson from any criminal intent in the shooting death of the “Gentle Giant” Michael Brown, there were widespread and in many cases well-planned “spontaneous” demonstrations around the country. Consider my eye-witness account from the… Continue reading “Black Lives Matter” is Quintessential Alinsky/Marxism
Evangelical Progressives and Fundaphobia
Over the past number of years, in conversation with friends and acquaintances involved in Christian Higher Education, the words “fundamentalism” or “fundamentalist” are often expressed, generally with disapproval. These labels seem to be applied in a variety of discussions: theological, scientific, and political. Based not only on these encounters but also reading blogs and symposia… Continue reading Evangelical Progressives and Fundaphobia
Cultural Marxism – Part 4 – Race
This is the fourth in a series of postings concerning cultural Marxism. The first is a brief overview of the ideology and its influence on the West. The second looks at the goals and objectives of cultural Marxism. The third considers the interplay between political correctness and cultural Marxism’s root level goals and objectives. As… Continue reading Cultural Marxism – Part 4 – Race