Note that our borders would be secure right now if it weren’t for the corporate Right that wants the cheap labor of illegals. On US-Mexico Border Immigration Two fiesty anti-illegal immigration women – one a Christian, the other probably not. Michelle Malkin – Open Borders Inc. The Eric Metaxas Radio Show (38:56) Ann Coulter –… Continue reading Migrants and Immigration
Genesis 1 – Reconciliation of Biblical and Scientific Views
Over the past several hundred years constituting the scientific era in the West, there have been numerous attempts to reconcile the proclamations of science with the view of the natural world described in the Bible. Among the most common areas of contention has been the description of the beginnings described in Genesis 1. By the… Continue reading Genesis 1 – Reconciliation of Biblical and Scientific Views
End Times Prophetic Voices – 2019
Given below are links to presentations on End Times prophecy from mid-2019, delivered by three of the prominent voices in the pre-Tribulation rapture view of Eschatology: Amir Tsarfati (Israel) An informative biography of him is provided by Premier Speakers Bureau. During 2019, he has appeared in Singapore, Europe, Brazil, the US, Australia, and of course… Continue reading End Times Prophetic Voices – 2019
Combating Entrenched Postmodern neo-Marxist Ideology in Academia
This page contains links to videos and articles dealing with two related occurrences, both dealing with Postmodern neo-Marxist ideology within academia: 1. The 2017 Evergreen State meltdown serves as the logical (NB: a non-Postmodern concept!) outcome of the radical imposition on Equity and Critical Race Theory in a college community. The hysteria put people’s lives… Continue reading Combating Entrenched Postmodern neo-Marxist Ideology in Academia
Grievance Studies and Societal Meltdown
The cultural and political divide in America seems to be growing with no end in sight. It does not seem likely that the consensus among Americans that has held for more than 200 years can survive much longer. And America is not alone; there seems to be cultural and political divergence accelerating throughout the West.… Continue reading Grievance Studies and Societal Meltdown
Jordan Peterson – Three Years Later
[Posted in August 2019] Coming soon is the 3-year anniversary of the emergence of University of Toronto Psychology professor Jordan Peterson into the public sphere. What started as an expression of concern on impending Canadian legislation and “sensitivity” training for University staff has transformed into world-wide recognition, with millions of supporters as well as some… Continue reading Jordan Peterson – Three Years Later
The Long Red Threads of the Democrat Party
The contemporary conflict within American culture between the Left and the Right has been increasing in intensity and divisiveness since the election of Donald Trump in 2016. This division is seen in many dimensions: the news media, academia, politics, entertainment media, and even within religious institutions. In general, the conflict can be understood as the… Continue reading The Long Red Threads of the Democrat Party
Intelligent Design – 2019
The Intelligent Design (ID) movement seems to have come of age in the past year or so, with the case for an information-based view of both origins and ongoing existence being increasingly solidified. Not only does the information-based approach deal an essentially lethal blow to Neo-Darwinism, it also provides a framework for significant reconciliation with… Continue reading Intelligent Design – 2019
Reuben Welch on Romans – 1981
ENC Chapel and Evening Services, March 1981 Presentation Length Romans Text reuben 1981 03 17 chapel.mp3 31.59 1:1-7, 14-17 reuben 1981 03 17 evening.mp3 58:04 1:16-25, 2:1, 2:17-25, 3:19-26, 5:1-2 reuben 1981 03 18 chapel.mp3 30:27 5:1-11 reuben 1981 03 18 evening.mp3 53:17 6:1-11 reuben 1981 03 19 chapel.mp3 35:50 6:10-19 reuben 1981 03 19… Continue reading Reuben Welch on Romans – 1981
Diana West from American Betrayal to The Red Thread
Diana West is an award-winning journalist and the author of The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy (Center for Security Policy Press, 2019), American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character (St. Martin’s Press 2013) and The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western… Continue reading Diana West from American Betrayal to The Red Thread