Annotation of Chapter 1 of Shelby Steele’s — “Shame”

Note: Items in black bold and black bold underscore are Steele’s words, emphasized by me. All items in italics are my comments.  Steele used neither bold black nor bold black underscore, except the “Chapter 1: The Great Divide” immediately below. Excerpted with permission from Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country, by Shelby Steele. … Continue reading Annotation of Chapter 1 of Shelby Steele’s — “Shame”

“Black Lives Matter” is Quintessential Alinsky/Marxism

Subsequent to the release of the St. Louis County grand jury report the Monday before Thanksgiving 2014 which exonerated officer Darren Wilson from any criminal intent in the shooting death of the “Gentle Giant” Michael Brown, there were widespread and in many cases well-planned “spontaneous” demonstrations around the country.   Consider my eye-witness account from the… Continue reading “Black Lives Matter” is Quintessential Alinsky/Marxism

Cultural Marxism – Part 4 – Race

This is the fourth in a series of postings concerning cultural Marxism.  The first is a brief overview of the ideology and its influence on the West. The second looks at the goals and objectives of cultural Marxism. The third considers the interplay between political correctness and cultural Marxism’s root level goals and objectives. As… Continue reading Cultural Marxism – Part 4 – Race

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The ‘Trojan Couch’ Confronts Cultural Consensus on Homosexuality

What happens when a widely accepted way of thinking is exposed as false? There might be several disparate responses. For someone deeply invested in the original viewpoint, there might be denial, followed by a strong effort to discredit the expose.  But for those for whom the original idea had negative effect, the new view would… Continue reading The ‘Trojan Couch’ Confronts Cultural Consensus on Homosexuality

A Plea for the Definitive Book on Cultural Marxism/Political Correctness

During the past year I have been both fascinated and disturbed by the dispute concerning “American Betrayal”, and have had my eyes opened in several dimensions by not only Diana West’s responses to criticism, but also from writings of people who support her.   I read the book in September 2013, and since then have viewed… Continue reading A Plea for the Definitive Book on Cultural Marxism/Political Correctness

Cultural Marxism – Part 3 – Political Correctness

In the previous posting dealing with Cultural Marxism (CM), it was shown that one must view political correctness issues at two levels: (1) the goals and objectives – what CM is intending to do, even if hidden, and (2) the propaganda level – how it accomplishes its goals and objectives. As described in the previous… Continue reading Cultural Marxism – Part 3 – Political Correctness

Cultural Marxism – Part 2 – Goals and Objectives

In the past 20-30 years, the suffix “phobic” has been added to a certain words to create new classes of antipathy.  In the “old days”, words like “claustrophobic” and “acrophobic” were used to denote negative states of mind relative to certain external stimuli.  These kinds of words originated from the medical community, psychological branch.   The… Continue reading Cultural Marxism – Part 2 – Goals and Objectives

Cultural Marxism — Part 1 — Overview

Political correctness has its origins in the Frankfurt School (FS) of Marxism, beginning in the 1920’s, whereby communist intellectuals re-cast Marxist communism from economic into cultural terms: the result is known as Cultural Marxism (CM).  These individuals set out to undertake what they termed the “long march” through the various pillars of Western culture, with… Continue reading Cultural Marxism — Part 1 — Overview