Bevelyn Beatty

Bevelyn Beatty is a conservative Christian activist who expresses deep opposition to Marxism in our culture. Her focus is on the extreme damage done by Marxism to the black community, especially currently present in the activities and agenda of the Marxist, anti-Christian organization Black Lives Matter (BLM). In the Spring and Summer of 2020, her… Continue reading Bevelyn Beatty

John Zmarik on Activist Cults as Religion

(From Amazon) John Zmirak received his B.A. from Yale University in 1986, then his M.F.A. in screenwriting and fiction and his Ph.D. in English in 1996 from Louisiana State University. His focus was the English Renaissance, and the novels of Walker Percy. He taught composition at LSU and screenwriting at Tulane University, and written screenplays… Continue reading John Zmarik on Activist Cults as Religion

Lies Matter

It’s time for a moratorium in the Evangelical / Christian community on the juxtaposition of two words: “Lives Matter”.  It is causing great confusion by linking statements about objective truth with a Marxist organization that uses those two words as a cudgel to achieve power to promote a long list of policies what are manifestly… Continue reading Lies Matter

Corona Committee Conference – September 2021 – Immediately Stop All “Vaccines”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, cofounder of the Berlin Corona Committee, is an experienced trial lawyer in Germany and California (US). He is part of the world-wide group of physicians, scientists and lawyers who since mid-July 2020 have been setting the stage for the onset of trials for “crimes against humanity”. They are collecting damning information on… Continue reading Corona Committee Conference – September 2021 – Immediately Stop All “Vaccines”

Categorized as Covid-19

More Conservative Voices on Race – II – Mid-June 2020

Here are a number of videos dealing with recent issues of racial unrest, all from the point of view of what I would consider as enlightened (mostly Black) conservatives. At the bottom are a couple articles, including the 2016 David Horowitz description of the group Black Lives Matter, as it was at that time. I… Continue reading More Conservative Voices on Race – II – Mid-June 2020

More Conservative Voices on Race – Mid-June 2020

In the following are links to several videos dealing with aspects of the racial unrest and reconciliation in the US in mid-2020. As in the previous post, emphasis is placed on viewing the unrest in the context of Leftist opportunism rather than concerns for the Black community. As stated before, the most important voices to… Continue reading More Conservative Voices on Race – Mid-June 2020

End Times – May 1, 2020

Some thoughts for Believers relative to current events and End Times prophecy as of May 1, 2020. Several Calvary Chapel pastors, plus Jan Markell and Gary Kah, who works with Terry James at Rapture Ready, discuss the coming New World Order in light of current events. The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer… Continue reading End Times – May 1, 2020