This webpage introduces Dr. Richard Amerling, a physician who is very critical of what he sees as very harmful chaos in the medical profession. Here is a biography of his career, as posted in Amazon (hyperlinks added): Dr. Amerling is a native New Yorker. He graduated Stuyvesant High School, City College of New York, then… Continue reading Dr. Richard Amerling – Destruction of the Medical Profession
Yuval Noah Harari – Klaus Schwab’s Close Advisor
This webpage provides an introduction to Klaus Schwab’s closest advisor, Israeli historian and professor Yuri Noah Harari. He is a leading proponent of Transhumanism, which is the integration of human beings with AI biotechology, to create a new kind of “thinking” species. Here is Harari’s profile on the World Economic Forum website: Yuval Noaf Harari… Continue reading Yuval Noah Harari – Klaus Schwab’s Close Advisor
Globalist Climate Dystopia – Winter 2022-23
Introduction This post deals mostly with Climate Change, and the anticipated calamity to take place in Europe this winter due to lack of energy and food. In this case, the problem is not the climate itself, but the disastrous decisions that have been made over several decades to eliminate fossil fuels, and more recently to… Continue reading Globalist Climate Dystopia – Winter 2022-23
September 2022 – Additional Voices of Resistance to the Globalists
Given in the following are a variety of people and websites dealing with various aspects of the globalist’s moves towards world domination. Among the most critical endeavors to pursue is to provide information to expose the diabolical false narratives that often have instilled fear and blindness in people. An excellent website dealing with these matters… Continue reading September 2022 – Additional Voices of Resistance to the Globalists
Summer 2022 – Sample Voices of Resistance to the Globalists
In this posting, exposure is given to a few of the individuals involved in pushback to the criminal activities of the Globalists such as those involved with the World Economic Forum. The links provided are not comprehensive, rather hopefully providing enough information to understand some of the areas that they address, as well as some… Continue reading Summer 2022 – Sample Voices of Resistance to the Globalists
Innate Immune Suppression by Covid-19 “Vaccines”
This posting focuses on research dealing with the dangerous negative effect the Covid-19 “vaccines” have on the human immune system. The investigstion helps to explain one of the perverse results for those who get the shots: statistically, they are more likely to become ill with Covid-19 than those who have not taken the shots. A… Continue reading Innate Immune Suppression by Covid-19 “Vaccines”
Spring 2022 – WEF Unveiled?
Much has been coming to the surface during the Spring of 2022 that brings to light the globalist scheme to create a new world order, labeled by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum as “The Great Reset”. What in the past has been labeled negatively as “conspiratorial” is now openly seen as in fact… Continue reading Spring 2022 – WEF Unveiled?
Stephanie Seneff – Suppression of Natural Immunity by the Covid “Vaccines”
This posting focuses on research on the negative impact of the Covid-19 experimental genetic therapy (customarily erroneously referred to as “vaccines”) on those who have received the shots. As this therapy had not been thoroughly tested prior to its release throughout the world, the past 15 months have been a mammoth – although poorly supervised… Continue reading Stephanie Seneff – Suppression of Natural Immunity by the Covid “Vaccines”
Vital Truths Concerning Covid-19
Vital Truths Concerning Covid-19 Abstract: This document provides an overview of important truths about the Covid-19 phenomena. Among the issues discussed are the several decades of planning that led to the development and ultimately deployment of the first of two classes of bio-weapons. This first bio-weapon intended to infect enough people resulting in some cases… Continue reading Vital Truths Concerning Covid-19
Three important Covid-19 Truth Tellers – Winter 2022
Given in the following are links to interviews and speeches of some of the most knowledgeable people in the world who are exposing the crimes of those who conceived and have been implementing the Covid conspiracy around the world. David Martin Dr. David Martin has a very broad resume, some of which can reviewed in… Continue reading Three important Covid-19 Truth Tellers – Winter 2022