Med-Legal Analyst Karen Kingston – Early 2024

Med-Legal analyst Karen Kingston has become one of the most articulate writers and commentators on the details of the mRNA shots, relative to both personal dangers they represent, as well as the ability to construct neurolinks in the people who have taken the shots which provides a pathway to Transhumanistic links to external 5G and similar RF sources.

This posting provides links to some of Kingston’s early 2024 activity in Substack and similar writings, as well as appearances on various podcast platforms.

Sample Karen Kingston Substack postings from January and February 2024

Let’s Address How mRNA Spike Proteins and Cationic Lipids Cause Blood Clotting

mRNA Nanoparticles are Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption

UNLOCKED – Spike Proteins and Lipid Nanoparticles are HIGHLY TOXIC per Systemic Review of Scientific Literature

BREAKING! WHO Calls for Global Police to Arrest Journalists Who Speak out Against Pandemic Policies: Alex Jones

More superb scholarship by Karen Kingston on deadly mRNA technology, under-estimated for her tenacity & brilliance, I know her, extensive depth! ‘UNLOCKED Spike Proteins and Lipid Nanoparticles are

Texas. Japan. Pandemic Treaties and Greed

Sample Karen Kingston Videos from January and February 2024

Karen Kingston On Congress Questioning Fauci (20:60)

Nanoparticle Gene-Editing Technology is a Weapon of Mass Destruction – Karen Kingston and Jeff Dornik (1:10:60)

Transhumanism – Maria Zeee – Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana Mihalcea – Covid Is A Technological and Biologic (1:06:04)

Truth Science & Spirit Covid 19 Nanotech and Synthetic Biology Bioweapons Ep 3 – Convo w Karen Kingston (1:16:44)


Karen Kingston on Mind Matters and Every Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 10 (1:20:40)

Some of Karen Kingston’s Background

Karen Kingston is originally a native of the Queens section of New York City. She attended Pace Universtiy in Manhattan as a business major, but also volunteered to work with AIDS patients at two NYC medical centers: Cornell University and Columbia University Medical Centers.

She discovered that she had the ability to read AND understand the medical-technical write-ups associated with medications, and evolved into a kind of “fix-it” person who could articulate in understandable terms what the medications could do, and what the dangers were, even assembling briefing aids and summeries for both doctors and pharmaceutical people. “Ask Karen. She’ll fix it.”

While still an undergraduate, she was recruited by Pharma companies, and ultimately took a job with Pfizer in sales and marketing. However she soon discovered that even there, she was a “goto” person in terms of her unique ability to quickly understand biomedical information. Thus she decided to leave Pfizer and form her own company in the San Diego area, more or less the “capital” of “Big Pharma” in the United States.

This is a transcription from a portion of a May 2023 interview of Karen Kingston [K] by podcastor Kristi Leigh [L] of, starting at about 9:20:

[L] All right, switching gears to turn to my guest today, she also walked away from what you might call the mainstream to go independent, but in the medical and science field. Karen Kingston is a highly accomplished biotech analyst and Med legal consultant with over 20 years of experience working with some of the biggest names in the industry: Pfizer, Medtronic, Allergen, Johnson and Johnson and more.

Kingston’s personal mission has evolved after being called by God to leave her lucrative career in Big Pharma and biotech in order to expose the dangerous corruption plaguing medical establishments, government, and the media. Her advocacy efforts have focused on raising awareness of the harmful effects caused by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

So, so excited to have you, Karen. I’ve had the opportunity to hear you on other programs. Welcome. I just feel so honored that I now have the chance to actually talk to you face to face, virtually speaking.

[K] It’s an honor to be on your platform.

[L] Awesome.Thank you so much.

So I want to get into some of the latest news, of course. I know you dropped a bomb over the weekend on your Substack, and so I want to talk about that. But before we get too deep into the most recent news, I just want to hear personally about your journey from Big Pharma until now.

[K] Sure. You know, I think people know I started off for Pfizer right out of college [Pace University, in Manhattan]. I was actually recruited before I graduated. I used to volunteer in hospitals and AIDS clinics all the time, and I met some Reps that way, and also met managers and what not. And I literally got recruited out of college. I was an exception to the rule.

Most people.. I actually didn’t think I was qualified. I had to say to the manager that I wasn’t qualified because I wasn’t actually a pharmacist. So most people typically would have a PhD or at least an MBA. And this was the response, I think, of this, Christy. The rep that was with the manager said, oh, you’re totally qualified. You’re totally cute. That was literally the response.

But at the same time, I used to read monographs, which are like these 80-100 page monographs of the products that were available in the hospital, prescription products. And the other pharmacists were like, “You’re so weird. Nobody reads that stuff.” So I knew. I knew the mechanism of action of the drugs, go where they were. I memorized the entire side effects profile. Anyway, I guess I’ve always been destined to work in the healthcare industry. I just never thought it would be on this side. And that’s how I got into it.

[L] You would actually want to read and know and learn more. I mean, who knew, right?

[K] Oh, no, I always knew. I just didn’t know…

[L] They were shocked that you would actually want to work and read and know what you’re talking about.

[K] Oh, yeah. No. When I was a rep, I always went off script. I used to spend my time in Cornell University in the library there and in Columbia [Medical Library] and I worked with the top cardiologists in the world and I would write their presentations to educate the fellows along side them.

And I didn’t get paid to do that. It’s just I actually really love what I do. I love reading scientific papers and patents and all that stuff. So it was a good fit. Then when I went on the agency consulting side, worked on a brand you may have heard of called Viagra. We did the full relaunch there.

One of my former colleagues I’m still in touch with; he’s the head of mergers and acquisition at Ernst and Young. Several of the team members did IPOs in the billions. They became the head of these biotech companies. A couple of other guys started $100 million, now 100 million dollar ad agency out of New York City.

So I worked with a real stellar team, a group of people that turned into be whales in the industry. And so I have a unique background in that I’ve worked on very large accounts. I’ve worked in crisis situations.

And when these mRNA technology injections rolled out, that was certainly a crisis situation for Americans and global civilians. The long story short is God put on my heart to look into this.

When they announced they were going after children, [Note: in other interviews, she said she cried uncontrolably for three days, because of the profound evil that she came to understand was involved] I had a couple of very bizarre personal events where I had to keep calling 911. And I was in church [One of the “Awaken” Churches in the San Diego area.] just putting up my hands to God asking for a word of comfort because I was getting shook up as to why I had to call 911. And I just heard clear as day, How many times do I need to make you call 911 before you’re going to call 911 for my children?

And then I knew I just had to treat what was going on with the mRNA technology the same way I would treat a six or seven figure client. And I don’t know how I did it because normally I’d have a team of at least twelve other people, half of which would be PhDs. And I really can’t explain how I’m able to go through this information. But as my son used to say when he was little, if you do your best, God does the rest.

So that’s kind of the story, I think.

[L] Yeah. But I know that this hasn’t been an easy journey for you. We’ve all experienced some degree of censorship, obviously. They try and duct tape our mouths shut and they try and insult us. But I read even that you’ve even been physically assaulted?

[K] Yeah, I was hit with what’s called a tick. So someone put something on my skin and I was innoculated with a very high grade of this weaponized technology. I said to one doctor, as they were looking at my blood work, and the nurse said, “I can’t believe she’s still alive!” I said, “I can hear you.”

Yeah, I mean, when I came forward, my dear friend that I’ve known 20 years, and he runs a large publishing and event education in the medical field for doctors, and I had sent him my early emails that had gone out to media, physicians, medical freedom groups. He called and said, “I got your emails. I won’t get the next Pfizer vaccine. I’ll tell my adult kinds not to get it. But you’ve got to cut it out. You’re going to be black-listed in the industry, and you’re going to get yourself killed.”

This is a friend of mine for 20 years. So, I knew what I signed up for. I absolutely did. I’m just thankful that my son’s been supportive. I mean, it’s been tough, not having an income for well over a year. I wasn’t planning on doing that. I thought, you know, I can take 3 months off, and just dedicate to gettng this information out. And I never thought that I’d be the spokesperson. I thought, I’ll get this information out to the Medical Freedom doctors, I’ll get it out to the media, and American will do an about-face. And that just never happened.