Important Substack Platform

From nearly the beginning of the Covid era, the Substack platform has become a vaild location for publication of thoughts on contemporary issues. Thus far, it seems to not be biased nor controlled by the Globalists. Viewers are invited to financially support those who effectively tell the truth about contemporary issues.

Also, there are comment sections in Substacts, and if you the reader enter a comment, you need to provide an email address. You might get responses from other viewers who agree with what you say, and I suppose, negative responses, if they DON’T LIKE your comment! However,if you DO post, and someone responds to your comments, you will get an email from Substack, with that comment, and the commentor’s email address.

Given below are Substacks that I “subscribe” to, a few financially. In a couple cases, follow-up emails have taken place with the author. The BIG point: as far as I am concerned, THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE TELLING THE TRUTH, for the most part. Of course in the case of Dr. Robert Malone, the best plan is to assume that the opposite of what he writes is the actual truth. Ok, a little sarcasm. But SOME of what he states seems to support the Globalist view, as well as to deflect AWAY from himself the guilt of human sufferring that he would seem to have been a big player in causing.

As these Substacks pop up in my inbox, I clearly don’t READ all of them, but even the headlines are often worth knowing about, even if I don’t have time to read every sentance, and watch and listen to every second of every embedded video.

If you begin to “follow” some people on Substack, note that sometimes they will cross-post someone elses’ Substack, obviously because they agree with it’s content.

One other IMPORTANT point: There are extremely important Truth Tellers that do NOT write substacks. People like Dr. David Martin, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Atty. Todd Calander, Dr. Judy Mikovits, and interviewers Maria Zeee, Mel K, Mike Adams, and many more. And of course Steve Bannon, is BACK!! Note also that videos from the Resistance are often found on Rumble and Bitchute; not all that much on YouTube, other than actual events, such as post-game press conferences!.

Important Substacks – Don’t Miss

Karen Kingston

Med-legal analyst, knowledgeable about Nanotechnology and Covid, but also about legal aspects.

Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Covid detox protocol, darkfield Microscopy, Covid-induced blood clot detox protocol.

Joseph Sanaone, PhD

Psychiatrist, politcally active in banning Covid shots in Florida and elsewhere.

James Roguski

Important warnings about the evil within the WHO, as well as the documentation of harm from Nanotechnology.

Peter McCullough, MD

More than 1,000 peer-reviewed publications, critic of deathly hospital Covid practices.

Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Early critic of Covid shots, and strong critic of vaccinations in general.

Paul Elias Alexander, MD

Sometimes bad language, Epidemiologist, in Trump 45 White House, understands corruption.

Also very important and trustworthy

Peter Breggin, MD

The Breggins: Peter is psychiatrist and expert in clinical psychopharmacology, early book on Covid.

Lioness of Judah – Mike Yeadon, PhD

Often Mike Yeadon PhD, Former Pfizer VP, Expert in big pharma, respiratory illness.

Naomi Wolf, PhD

Former feminism Leftist, oversaw the analysis of the mandated Pfizer dumps, now reading the Bible.

Alerts from Act for America

Brigitte Gabriel survived Hezbolah in Lebanon as a youth, battles Leftism in the West, especially USA.

Dane Wigington

Not a substack, but he understands dangers in Geoengineering, with excellent videos.

J.D Rucker

Christian view of political and societal movements.

Steve Kirsch

Former West Coast hi-tech expert, now focused on Covid-as-bioweapon.

James Roguski

Attempts to warn the world concerning corrupt WHO and similar.

Secondary – Believeable

Tom Renz, Atty

Attempts to battle illegality in the Covid bioeapons.

Reinette Senum – Foghorn Express

Former Northern California mayor, exposing DoD corruption in West Coast fires.

Jeff Dornik

A blogger and interviewer, dealing with Covid corruption.

John Droz, PhD – Critically Thinking

CO2 Coalition Team Member, knowledgeable about corruption in the Energy sector.

Pierre Kory, MD

Front Line medical physician.

John G Koster

Former YouTube musician, family member attacked by Covid – central MA.

Not totally believeable yet important and possibly dangerous

Robert Malone, MD

Seemingly not trustworthy, probably guilty of designing bioweapons, need to know more.


Each person must decide for themselves whom to believe. What IS known for sure is that there is widespread deception in the mainstream media – TV, Internet, books and magazines, plus many locations in the government, as well as in the parmaceutical and healthcare industries, and OBVIOUSLY in most colleges, universities and even in many pre-K to 12 schools.

And even with the Substacks; you have to make up your mind: whom do you believe? In the above is found a few people who in my estimation have an ability to tell the truth, and in some cases who are also exceedingly brilliant.

Please feel free to respond concerning any of the above that are recommended, as well as others that should be added to the lists.