This post deals with the New World Order, The World Economic Forum and the Great Reset. However, the coverage in this is not comprehensive: each reader must do their own homework on this. Samples are provided of the views from several anti-globalists. It is VITAL that you have in-depth understanding of the world-wide deception, corruption and death caused by these Globalists.
Charlie Kirk
This first video on the Steve Bannon Warroom features with Charlie Kirk and others, dealing with “The Great Reset”; the title of the book by World Economic Forum chariman Klaus Schwab.
Episode-1-901-The Great Reset with Charlie Kirk – The Honeymoon Phase with Ukraine is Ending (48:56)
Here is Charlie with Jack Hibbs, Real Life podcast:
The Great Reset with Charlie Kirk – Real Life with Jack Hibbs (28:29)
Ernst Wolff
In this interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (co-founder of the Corona Investigative Committee), German economist Ernst Wolf proivdesoutline (in german, with subtitles) of the WEF
Here’s another Ernst Wolff 2016 interview on the IMF, this one in English.
The History and Politics of the IMF with Ernst Wolff (09:32)
Karen Kingston
Karen Kingston at Clay Clark rally (first 30 minutes):
Karen Kingston interview with Ann Vandersteel:
Karen Kingston w Ann Vandersteel – WHO Agenda 05-27-2022 (40:24)
David Martin
Martin talking about how to end the Great Reset scam.
Dr. David Martin – Presents the Practical Plan to End the ‘Pandemic’ and Great Reset Agenda! (36:16)
Stew Peters and Clay Clark
Truth from a Christian Biblical Perspective:
To not have at least a cursory understanding of the past and current mayhem, as well as future plans of these globalists is to be increasingly deceived, and utterly powerless to resist their influence and power. This warning applies not just to the unlearned of the world, but also to people with positions of authority which require great skill, yet who are blinded as to what is taking place world-wide.
We must all diligently become informed, and together take action before it is too late, else the entire world will be dominated by these demonic sociopaths, who tragically have great skill and nearly unlimited power to enslave the entire world. If their successful release of the Covid plague on the world and the tragic widespread acceptance of their bio-weaponized injections does not at this moment deeply concern us, then we will not avoid future movement to permanent world-wide totalitariansim.