Geoengineering in 2025 – What is Going On?

The term “Geoengineering” often refers to the observed process of sizable airplanes flying at a fairly high altitude, spewing out substances that appear to be “smoke” emanating from the planes. However, WHAT is “spewed out” is a focal point of this posting: what is being spewed, what is it attempting to accomplish, what is it actually accomplishing, who is planning the spewing, and why, and who are actually getting the “job” done?

Further, are these processes helpful? Are they useless but harmless? Or are they damaging, or even ultimately deadly to both plant and animal life? Or is this process completely benign, and maybe a bit of fun?

There is at least ONE possible source of the use of these chemtrails: people who want to gain control of all life on the planet, and see weather modification as an important tool.

Then there are also the people who simply want to make money off the “global warming” fake scare which has been proven in a great measure to be a false operation. Looking at actual science – which has not been corrupted by Globalists and their followers – yields profound and irreputable truths that reveal the “global warming” is as phony as a Covid PCR test.

In terms of use of “chemtrails” to save the planet from burning up, please take the time to understand the truth.

Here is a webpage providing a variety of sub-pages, all design to outline the truth about man-made global warming: it isn’t happening. It was and continues to be a false narrative, promoted by people who want total control of all humanity.

Climate Alarmism – Exposed

Given in the following are interviews and other material providing insight as to what is taking place up and the sky, and then drifting down to earth, for humans and animals to breathe, and for agriculture and lands in general to be coated with substances that might well be very damaging.

Work of Ana Mihalcea and Reinette Senum

Here’s a Milhacea Substack:

Nanotechnological Poisons From Above – Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering “Spider Filaments” Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals – We Are Inhaling Them

Here’s one of the people cited in Mihalcea’s Substack on Geoengineering – Reinette Senum:

Exclusive Expose’ by European Research Team in Mystery ‘Spider Webs’ Falling From the Sky

Here’s a video, containing information addressed in the above two Substacks by Mihalcea and Senum:

European Research Team in Mystery ‘Spider Webs’ Falling From the Sky (1:32:48)

International Conference on Geoengineering and Weather

Following the above work of Mihalcea and Senum, here was the promotion of a March 2025 International Conference on these issues:

Starts Today 11am PST – International Live Stream: 1st International Panel on Geoengineering and Weather Manipulation – Don’t Miss It

Here is a video discussing important topics in the Conference:

1st International Panel on Geoengineering and Weather Manipulation (2:15:05)

Dane Wigington and Geoengineering Watch

Perhaps the person who has been the pioneer in exposing Geoengineering activities, not only in America, but around the world is Dane Wigington.

Here is an interview of Wigington with Ana Mihalcea from Fall 2024:

Geoengineering – The Threat to Humanity and Our Earth – Conversation with Dane Wigington- TSS Ep 36 (54:49)

A great deal of information on many aspects of Geoengineering may be found on his website:

Dane Wigington

And he continues to load useful videos on the YouTube platform.

Additional Information

Finally here is more information on Geoengineering, assembled in the Fall of 2023:

Geoengineering – Polluting the World for Nefarious Goals