Dr. David Martin and Med-Legal Analyst Karen Kingston

Dr. David Martin

Dr. David Martin is a bio-weapons and patent expert, traveling to more than 150 countries around the world to search for violations of bio-weapons treaties.

Dr David E. Martin PhD – Covid Summit – European Union Parliament May 2023 (21:08)

Here are some additional videos and other media over the past six months or so, featuring Dr. Martin:

Dr. David Martin and Stew Peters – COVID BIOENGINEERED and WEAPONIZED (27:24)


Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (23:12)


Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus – Dr David Martin

The above transcript is associated with the previous video:

Exposing COVID-19 Crimes – Dr. David Martin

Many more videos from the past three years featuring Dr. David Martin can be provided.

Med-Legal Analyst Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is a med-Legal analyst who has a great gift of being able to understand technical documentation, and communicate it in readable terms. She was recruited by Big Pharma while still an undergraduate, and joined Pfizer in NYC area in sales and marketing after graduation. However, her success within Pfizer led her to start her own consulting firm in San Diego.

Here are portions of her discussion about the Nano Technology used in Covid-19 “shots”, from the June 2023 documentary video “Final Days”:

Karen Kingston – The mRNA COVID Bioweapon – Nano Technology, Transhuminism and Directed Evolution (21:16)

Here are several Fall 2023 videos also featuring Karen Kingston:

Karen Kingston – People are Foolish for Using Artificial Intelligence (1:23:20)

Karen Kingston – Murderous Hospital To Face Jury Trial Of Grace Schara (20:40)

Karen Kingston’s Perspective – Are We Done Ignoring Evil (1:29:00)

Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston (53:24)

New Zealand Whistleblower who Shook the World has Been Raided by Police

Maria Zeee with Karen Kingston on the Significance of the M O A R Whistleblower Data Drop (11:08)

Maria Zeee – Karen Kingston – State of Texas Sues Pfizer and NZ Whistleblower WILDFIRE!!! (1:23:44)

Pfizer Lawsuit Awakens US to Mass Vax Murders – 11,000 NZ ELITES GOT CV19 EXEMPTIONS Karen Kingston (1:02:20)

Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer, the Use of Nanotech in Food and Eating Fake Meat is… Cannibalism In the Foxhole with Karen Kingston and Jeff Dornik (1:28:50)

Here are a number of Karen Kingston Substack articles, mostly late 2023. However, the first entry is from January 2023, and needs to be thouroughly read.

It’s Time to Let the SARS-COV-2 Lab Leak and Kung Pao Bat Theories Go

Breaking News – Pfizer is Liable for the Injury, Diseases and Deaths Caused by their mRNA Injections and They Need to Be Taken off the Market

The Sheriff’s Letter to Criminally Prosecute Pfizer

Intention Matters in Cases of Medical Murder

Pfizer Can Be Sued for Toxic and Harmful Substances Found in mRNA Vials – Karen Kingston

Can You Vaccinate Against an ‘Engineered Virus’?

mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings – Breggin Interviews Kingston

Is There a Scientific Explanation for these Fibrous Blood Clots

Stop Secretly Putting mRNA Technology in Everything – Karen Kingston

Are We Done Ignoring Evil I Am. – by Karen Kingston

Pfizer Never Had Legal Immunity

Will the PREP Act Stop Texas from Suing Pfizer?

#4. Pfizer’s CEO Lied to Investors and the Public

Finally, here are additional webpages featuring the thoughts and actions of Karen Kingston during 2023:

Karen Kingston 2023 – Nanotechnology in mRNA “Vaccines”

Karen Kingston – Sample Output, 1st Quarter 2023

Karen Kingston on Covid Origins and Dangers – Early 2023

Karen Kingston and the Origins and Criminality of COVID

January 2023 – Karen Kingston and Pfizer