Three important Covid-19 Truth Tellers – Winter 2022

Given in the following are links to interviews and speeches of some of the most knowledgeable people in the world who are exposing the crimes of those who conceived and have been implementing the Covid conspiracy around the world.

David Martin

Dr. David Martin has a very broad resume, some of which can reviewed in his webpage. His multi-faceted academic and professional background in both medical science (i.e., physiology and sports medicine) and business, combined with his extensive work with governments around the world gives him a unique understanding of the essentials of the Covid “PLANdemic”.

Given below are links to several series of videos featuring Dr. Martin that deal with aspects of the Covid situation, including his in-depth understanding of patents and timelines.

This is David Martin in November 2021 providing a highlight of some of the prosicutable Fauci and similar crimes:


This is a more extensive summary of how the plandemic was pulled off.

Dr David Martin Exposes The Entire Plandemic (49:60)

This is David Martin’s November 6, 2021 appearance at the Red Pill Expo, in Lafayette, LA:

Dr. David Martin – Follow the Patents – Then You Will Understand Covid (50:04)

Slides used in this presentation may be downloaded (a few corrections to what was used in the presentation):

Dr David Martin – Slides – Nov. 7 2021 (pdf)

Things may soon be happening – Mid Feb 2022


Here is a prosecution-ready outline of the criminal Covid conspiracy being distributed to Attorneys Generals in states around the US.

The Criminal Conspiracy of Coronavirus

Michael Yeadon

It would be difficult to find anyone in the world who would be more qualified to critically comment on the Covid-19 phenomena than Dr. Michael Yeadon. Here is a sketch of his background in his own words:

Hi. My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon.

I’m a qualified life-science researcher, really. I have a first degree in biochemistry and toxicology, and have a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. And now I’ve worked for 32 years, mostly in big pharmaceutical companies, and 10 years in the biotechnology sector.

So my last job in Big Pharma, I was the vice President and the Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research.

I left Pfizer in 2011, and after that I founded, grew, and sold a biotechnology company called Ziarco to Novartis in 2017. And so before that and afterwards, an independent advisor to over 30 start-up bio-tech companies.

To the Corona Investigative Committee – Berlin – the “lies” Yeadon discusses were more thoroughly discussed with Del Bigtree of The High Wire in Spring 2021

The Eight COVID Lies – Dr Michael Yeadon Joins Reiner Fuellmich (11:00)

Dealing with the “Death Lots” of Pfizer vaccines in January 2022.


January 2022 appearance on a podcast along with Dutch Psychologist Mattias Desmet.


January 2022 interview with Australian podcaster Maria Zeee:

Dr. Michael Yeadon Explains Why This MUST Be A Plandemic And How We Can Take Our Freedom Back – Maria Zeee (1:18:36)

Early lament of his presumed ineffectiveness.

Our Last Chance – Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon – (48.00 to end) (09:29)-eb0bRFN3rK0G.mp4

Yeadon was among those preparing a complaint to the ICC in the The Hague in December 2021

International Criminal Court – Complaint CR-473/21

Karen Kingston

From Truth Comes to Light website:

Karen Kingston, who currently works as an analyst for pharmaceutical and medical device industries – analyzing intellectual property and legal landscape for both pharma and consumers – is also a science writer and clinical analyst. This background has made her uniquely qualified to research the graphene oxide question and other issues around the global attempt to force all of humanity to accept these dangerous and experimental anti-covid injections.

Karen reveals details of the documents she found, patent information and links to companies involved in producing these injectable concoctions.

This is her webpage: Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston arrived on the “Covid Truth Teller” scene in June 2021, wherein she made her first appearance on the Stew Peters Show, and discussed her literature research on the possible presence of graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots, as had been reported a few days earlier by Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna.

Karen Kingston of Pfizer Explains How Graphene Oxide in the Vaccine Will Eradicate You (25:40)

In terms of more recent appearances, here is a brief February 2022 interview of Karen Kingston by Stew Peters:

Stew Peters w Karen Kingston – Stew Peters Show 2-9-22 (10:56)

Here’s a longer 2022 interview by Australian podcaster Maria Zeee:

Karen Kingston – Luciferase, Gene Editing, IARPA, AI and 5G Linked With Covid-19 Vaccines – Maria Zeee (1:02:40)

These two videos comprise a mid-October 2021 interview of Karen Kingston by John DiLemme’s CBJ (Conservative Business Journal) Real News Podcast. Both DiLeeme and Kingston are biblically-oriented Christians. Note that Kingston has provided 71 downloadable slides, which she refers to in this extended interview.

PART 1 – Karen Kingston Exposes the Vaccine Bioweapon and How It Tracks Humans (1:12:32)

PART 2 – Karen Kingston Exposes the Vaccine Bioweapon and How It Tracks Humans (1:12:44)

The next link gives access to a generic letter written by Karen to those in control, concerning the profound danger of the Covid shots:

Karen Kingston Exposes the Vaccine Bioweapon – What’s In It That Harms Us – How It Tracks Humans

Some Additional Leading Truth-tellers

These are people in addition to Martin, Yeadon and Kingston that understand the Covid conspiracy at the depths, and that you can rely on for honest assessments and recommendations. They have NOT been corrupted by Big Pharma, Globalism, or Marxism, and have sometimes put their lives at risk to proclaim what is true.

The hyperlinks take you either to webpages providing a summary of some of their thoughts and efforts, or their own personal webpages.

Here are some of the most important:

Dr. Judy Mikovits – Micro-biologist, co-founder of cure for AIDS

Dr. Robert Malone – Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology

Dr. Peter Breggin – Harvard-trained Psychiatrist, psychiatric reformer

Atty. Reiner Fuellmich – Attorney, co-founder of the Corona Investigative Committee

Additional Truth-tellers and Organizations

Given in the following link is a separate webpage listing organizations and people that can be trusted with proclaiming the truth about the Covid fraud.

Covid Truth-tellers – Individuals and Organizations