Introduction to Jonathan Pageau

(From his website) Jonathan Pageau graduated with honors from the Painting and Drawing program at Concordia University in Montreal during the late 1990s.

Quickly disillusioned with contemporary art, he discovered icons and traditional Christian images along his own spiritual journey. Rekindling his love of art through study of traditional forms, Jonathan develops a passion for wood carving. While living in Kenya for several years, he also discovers the properties of a certain type of steatite called Kisii stone.

Having studied Orthodox Theology and Iconology at the University of Sherbrooke, since 2003 Jonathan has been carving different types of liturgical objects. His carvings have been commissioned by priests, bishops and laypeople in the United States, Canada and in Europe. His work is also represented by major liturgical art companies including Desmarais & Robitaille in Canada and New World Byzantine Studios in the United States.

Jonathan is also one of editors and contributors of the Orthodox Arts Journal and also teaches icon carving with Hexaemeron, a non-profit organization dedicated to the sacred-arts.


Sample videos

Orthodox Icon Carving (02:04)

Jonathan Pageau carves Eastern Orthodox Icons and other traditional Christian images in wood and stone in a desire to reconnect with the ancient spiritual traditions of Christianity.

2- Jonathan Pageau at Resurrection of Logos in Toronto, March 2017 (31:52)

Jonathan Pageau — who carves Eastern Orthodox Icons and other traditional Christian images in wood and stone — speaks at Orthodox Christian Fellowship of University of Toronto, on March 7, 2017. He refers to the origin of his friendship with Jordan Peterson, and then discusses in some detail his understanding of the Logos.

The Metaphysics of Pepe with Jonathan Pageau (31:20)

Jordan Peterson interviews Jonathan Pageau concerning Christian and mythical symbology as it related to both artistic rendering and also metaphysical implications.

God, Pepe, & Petersonianism (with Jonathan Pageau) (46:00)

Jonathan Pageau is interviewed by James Fox Higgins, a former atheist who came to Christ in part because Jordan Peterson destroyed the intellectual arguments for atheistic belief.

Background to Lecture VIII – Abrahamic Stories, with Matthieu & Jonathan Pageau (1:25:60)

Jordan Peterson reaches out to friend Jonathan Pageau and his brother Matthieu to discuss Biblical symbology in relation to the Abrahamic stories in Genesis. This discussion took place a few hours before Peterson’s 8th lecture on the psychological significance of the Biblical stories.

Intersectionality, individuality and the hero – a discussion with Jonathan Pageau (1:05:12)

Jordan Peterson reaches out to friend Jonathan Pageau concerning the symbolic and Christian perspectives on Intersectionality as well as Hero narratives.

Jordan Peterson and Contemporary Christianity Discussion with Paul VanderKlay (1:07:44)

Jonathan Pageau interviews prolific Peterson vlogger, Christian Reformed Church pastor Paul Vanderklay. Both had spent time as Christian missionaries in third world countries. The Jordan Peterson phenomena is discussed at length, especially as it relates to Christianity. In the end, Pageau assures Vanderklay that Peterson is a heretic, in terms of orthodox Christianity.

Milo, Jordan Peterson and The Symbolic Worldview. Discussing with Rachel Fulton Brown (1:42:16)

Jonathan Pageau interviews University of Chicago History professor Rachel Fulton Brown, self-described as an Entish Presby-Catholic medievalist. They discuss Brown’s friendship with Milo Yiannopoulos, as well as Jordan Peterson’s relationship to Christianity. Prof. Brown has also recently written an article on Jordan Peterson and Roman Catholicism entitled Who wants to be a Heretic?

“Faith, Art and Symbolism” with Jonathan Pageau

This event was held on February 15, 2020 in Boston at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England. It was sponsored by Boston Fellows.

Here is the description of the event from Unite Boston:

Christianity offers a wealth of images, stories and symbolic structures. This imagery is not only a kind of cultural treasure, but is also a matrix of engagement with reality. We will plunge into the basic narrative of Scripture and how this translates into everything from Christian art, architecture, storytelling and music, all acting together as a matrix of human participation.

Part 1: How Christian Narrative is a world pattern

Christianity offers a wealth of images, stories and symbolic structures. This imagery is not only a kind of cultural treasure, but is also a matrix of engagement with reality. We will plunge into the basic narrative of Scripture and how this translates into everything from Christian art, architecture, storytelling and music, all acting together as a matrix of human participation.

Lunchtime tour

Annunciation Cathedral’s liturgical art and symbolism

Part 2: What then should we create today?

We will look at the relevance of Christian narrative in the contemporary world, at how it permeates even secular arts and culture. We will also look at how the Christian artist can engage their creations within the basic pattern of Christ without giving into superficial affect or propagandist discourse.

This event is presented by Boston Fellows, in collaboration with Orthodoxy on Tap, a ministry of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston.

Registration is $15 and includes lunch.

Art and Technology From Death to Glory Boston Talk pt.1 (1:27:20)

A Tour of an Orthodox Cathedral Boston Talk pt.2 (29:24)

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