Common Core

Common Core is the culmination of 40+ years of outcomes-based “education”, combined with one size fits all dumbing down standards, huge data-mining, 50% less classic literature, and 50% more “informational” texts such as Obama Executive Orders and EPA edicts.  Common Core does not teach critical thinking, but rather it constitutes mostly parroting of partisan Postmodern/neo-Marxist ideology.

In English, context that might make a student feel bad (i.e., “privileged information”) is often prohibited.  Thus, the Gettysburg address MUST be taught without mentioning WHO spoke it, or what is was about (Civil War).  So texts must be “vacuum texts”, without privileged context.  Also, the amount of writing is raised, while the amount of reading lowered.  Sadly, informational texts (as contrasted with classic texts) often contain Leftist propaganda, with no opposing views.  And there is also exultation of the state: Consider a 3rd grade assignment in WI: “Write how the State is just like a family, only better”.

Math MUST be taught using graphic symbology, with stacking forbidden; even technically trained parents have difficulty.  Also, accelerated teaching for superior students is forbidden – everyone must be at the same level (i.e., “communal”). Th teaching is only to the tests, and there is mega-testing with all results sent to the Federal government, and made available down the road. There is also the use of “pair groups” to get a common answer to a problem.  Even the correct answer disagreeing with the rest in the group is considered “wrong”!

Common Core has plenty of sex.  The National Sexuality Education Standards are fully integrated.  Every day in every subject, teachers are mandated to use positive examples of LGBTQ.  There is also much explicit sex in what remains of “classic” literature.  There is very explicit pre-puberty sex education, as well as sexual expression without morality.  For example, a middle-school poster lists the ways to show affection between people: talking, holding hands, performing various sex acts; with no distinction made on the poster: it implies that all are equivalent.  Even 2nd graders taught to affirm same-sex “families”.  Students are also taught that gender is a social construct.  Note that parents will not be able to pull their kids out, as in past.

Common Core was developed by five people, all non-educators, behind closed doors.  Two leftist lobby groups: National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) own the copyrights to it all.  States forced to adopt it sight unseen. This was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates ($2.5 billion).  There’s a lot of Crony Capitalism ($$$’s for a few); for example, it requires all newer laptop computers with Microsoft apps, all new Common Core-compliant textbooks, tests.  Note: one book publishing company has been buying out all others

It goes on and on.  New schools will need pharmacy’s and clinics, with provision of “morning-after” pills without parental consent.  There will be the ability to whisk 12-year-olds off to abortion clinics without parental notification.

Critique: Common Core developed in secrecy, with no debate, no laws to repeal, no accountability.  There was a committee of about 30 people to sign off on the package before it was launched; only two of those were educators.  They were the only two to vote “no” on moving forward with Common Core, and they have been active since it was launched, attempting to derail it in state after state. Note that 46 states “adopted” it in 2009/2010 by accepting Federal $$’s as part of “Race to the Top”, but they adopted it before standards written, and they cannot easily back out.  Finally, Common Core entails income redistribution from rich states to poor states.

The bottom line is that Common Core is a giant takeover of public education to indoctrinate American youth in Postmodern/neo-Marxist ideology, with the long-range goal of the fundamental transformation of the country into a totalitarian, socialist state.


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